A Hand of Protection
Our one and a half year old grandson, Jack, was playing at our house last night with his big sister Josie. We adults were sitting at the dinner table chatting and getting a kick out of the antics of the kids. I saw Jack bend down to pick up a toy he dropped. He was about to whack his head on the bottom of the table if he stood up. I couldn’t reach him in time. Without missing a beat in his conversation, Jack’s daddy reached over and placed his hand between Jack’s head and the table. He had been very aware of what Jack was doing and saw the danger. Jack didn’t realize his dad was there protecting him. He stepped back and cheerfully walked away. Crisis averted.
Watching Nate look after Jack gave me a word picture to a phrase my mom often prayed growing up, when she would ask God to literally put a “hedge of protection” around someone she was praying for (sometimes that was me). How many times are we protected without even knowing how God is working on our behalf?
Psalm 33:18 says that, “… the Lord’s eyes are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love.” Take time to thank God today for his help in ways you may not see. He is our loving Father and is always working for our good and his glory. He sees you, friend.
Take time to thank God today for his loving care, and pray for people he places on your heart and mind.
But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you.