Whiteboard Wisdom
The church were I work recently upgraded the children’s ministry area. When the carpet installation was finished, all of us on staff helped move shelves, supplies, Bibles, tables, desks, and chairs back into the well-used space. A whiteboard in one corner caught my eye. The words OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENT, and OMNIPRESENT were neatly written out. Attributes of God.
OMNIPOTENT: Having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force; all-powerful.
OMNISCIENT: Having total knowledge; knowing everything.
OMNIPRESENT: Present everywhere simultaneously.
I first saw those words on a whiteboard in my high school youth group. Imagine that – teaching theology to teens (thank you, youth pastors and pastors and Sunday School teachers). Or, as I witnessed this past week, how wonderful that these truths are being taught to younger kids in grade school.
I am so grateful to have been taught about the God who is present everywhere, all-powerful, and knows everything (even knows me).
www.gotquestions.org says this about the omniscience of God:
“Finally, there is nothing too hard for an omniscient God, and it is on the basis of our faith in such a God that we can rest secure in Him, knowing that He promises never to fail us as long as we continue in Him. He has known us from eternity, even before creation. God knew you and me, where we would appear in the course of time, and whom we would interact with. He even foresaw our sin in all its ugliness and depravity, yet, in love, He set his seal upon us and drew us to that love in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:3-6). We shall see Him face to face, but our knowledge of Him will never be complete. Our wonder, love and praise of Him shall go on for all millennia as we bask in the rays of His heavenly love, learning and appreciating more and more of our omniscient God.”
I will never tire of the happiness and security that comes from learning about God. Do you know him? If you do not, please comment or message the page. One of us would be delighted to share how he has powerfully, lovingly, and unquestionably changed our lives for eternity.
Are you a Christ follower? What is one of your favorite resources to study about God? Comment below!